Yu confirms Freddy vs.Jason vs.Ash idea

Creature Corner caught up with “Freddy vs.Jason” Director Ronny Yu to see what he’s up too and to get the lowdown on why he didn’t direct “Seed of Chucky”.

"Yes (I was offered Chucky 5), but I turned it down," Yu told the Corner. "It was immediately after Bride, they said would you like to do a sequel, I said no. I didn’t think the script was good enough at the time." A script is exactly what he’s currently waiting on for the Freddy vs. Jason sequel that may, and that’s a big "may," introduce Bruce Campbell’s Ash (of the Evil Dead series) to the melee. "That’s something that the studio came up with, they asked me and all the fans wanted me to do it as well, so I said yes, show me the script! I would definitely do it. They’re still working on the script, I haven’t seen anything. I hope they won’t work on it for 10 years."

Meantime, there’s another film at New Line he may do. "It’s called ‘Snakes on a Plane.’ The second they told me the storyline I said I want to do this movie. It’s about a plane on the way from Honolulu to Los Angeles, and when they’re halfway [into their flight], 500 poisonous snakes get released, and the first one to get killed is the pilot. As the audience I say, how the hell can they get out of the situation? I’d like to see it! So I said I want to do that. Hopefully we’ll start shooting soon." He’s also still working on “Blood : The Last Vampire” and "Then there’s a Chinese movie about a serial killer. I’ve never seen a Chinese movie about a serial killer! It’s set in the early thirties, a traditional Chinese setting, big houses, conspiracies…"

Interview : Matthew Perry – The Whole Ten Yards

Clints Bits – 2/4/04