
Zwart envisions a Karate Kid Part II

With his “Karate Kid” remake trumpeting the “A-Team” at the box-office this weekend (guess that age old question : ‘Who would win in a fight – The Karate Kid or B.A?’ has finally been answered), no surprise to hear that director Harald Zwart is already thinking… and consequently talking… sequel.

“Every now and then we discussed it,” Zwart, who also directed “The Pink Panther 2” (lest we forget), tells MTV. “But the truth is, when you see Jackie and Jaden, they’re like a really good film couple. On and off camera, I was watching how they were pulling practical jokes on each other and throwing rocks in the lake, and you just want to keep looking at them because they have a great dynamic and great humor. We have just been playing with a few different ideas, but we haven’t landed on anything at the moment.”

Zwart, who said he’d be happy to helm the sequel if Sony will have him back, doesn’t intend on following the storyline for “Karate Kid Part II” (1986) – in which the young apprentice joined his mentor on a trip back to the latter’s home country.

“I personally think it’s now so much on its own two feet, given the success, that it would be interesting to see where we could take it without ever thinking about the old ones.”

So, what!? no John Kreese!? No ‘Glory of Love’ by Peter Cetera!? Surely the immortal line “Aha… here are the Two Rules of Miyagi-Ryu Karate. Rule Number One: “Karate for defense only.” Rule Number Two: “First learn Rule Number One.”” will be uttered?

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