
"Mad Max" Headed for Namibia!

Just when it looked like every film under the sun was going to be shot in Australia – comes a big blow to the local industry. The Herald Sun is reporting that the recently announced "Mad Max 4" won’t be filmed in Australia after all – but in Namibia.

The publication states that a combination of suitable desert locations, lack of Australian studio space and financial incentives will lure the $200 million plus production to the southern African nation.

Fox declined to comment but will confirm Mel Gibson’s $50 million dollar paycheque and a May start date.

South Africa, with it’s new studio space and agressive selling, is a new competitor to Australia for such large US – financed productions. It’s believed Star Wars Episode III has Fox Studios booked up, so that’s one possible reason why the shooting locale was changed.

And while on films shifting locale, a film thought to be getting filmed in Australia, Alex Proyas’s "I Robot" has now been shifted to Canada.

Thanks to ‘Adam’

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