
Sex Drive

By Clint Morris

And drive this sexy, silly souped-up charger most definitely has!

Ten years ago, we witnessed as naïve high schooler Jim (Jason Biggs, ”American Pie”) put his bod on the market in the hope that someone wanted to try before they buy (and eventually they did – but whoever suspected it’d be the foul-mouthed bandie!?)
Now, someone else of similar size – he has that same weedy build Biggs had, among other similar features – and statue – he’s not exactly the coolest cat in town – is hoping someone might have use for his full-to-the-brim offering of Virgin Olive Oil.

High school senior Ian (Josh Zuckerman) has decided to drive cross-country with his best friends, the self-confessed love machine Lance (Clark Duke) and pretty girl-next-door Felicia (Amanda Crew), to hook up with a supposedly-hot girl he’s met on the internet. Along the way their car – actually the car belongs to Ian’s brother, a frenzied macho man named Rex (James Marsden) – naturally breaks down and they’re forced to stop off at an Amish Community (Seth Green has an amusing cameo as one of the Amish) while it gets fixed.

The teen sex comedy is a cinematic staple – from 80s gems like ”Fast Times at Ridgemont High”, ”The Breakfast Club”, ”Sixteen Candles” and ”Porky’s” to more recent entries like ”Can’t Hardly Wait”, ”Get Over it”, ”Drive Me Crazy” and ”She’s All That”. They’ve never really taken a break.
What has been on vacation though are the genuinely funny ones – the one’s like, say, ”American Pie” and last year’s riotous ”Superbad”, that know their audience and aren’t afraid to tell it like it is – regardless of how miffed some of the audience’s parents may be by the content (and believe me, there’ll be a few young ones banned from seeing this until they’re that wee bit older – it is quite crude at times!)

”Sex Drive” is of the same vein as ”Pie” – it’s rambunctious, randy, and really, really funny. What gives it juice is a blend of fuel that’s so humorous because it’s true…. Well, mostly true (what? Nobody else has visited a truck stop only to receive a gift through the hole of the stall next door?).

One of the funniest films of the year (you’ll be on the floor in several parts!), ”Sex Drive” isn’t just this year’s ”American Pie”, it’s also fresh, funky and ferociously funny film in it’s own right, one that introduces audiences to an exciting new bouquet of characters – characters I’m sure, if this one does well, we’ll see soon enough again.

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