
Aaron Mogel & Jarred Paul – The D Train

Seasoned writers Andrew Mogel and Jarred Paul – the bizzare, quirky minded talents who are responsible for bringing you Allen Gregory and “Yes Man” – are at it again with their directing debut “The D-Train.” The daring film which focuses on the aftermath of a one-night stand between a bullied outcast with delusions of grandeur, Dan Landsman (Jack Black/ “King Kong,” “School of Rock”) and an attractive, rebellious, charismatic up-and-coming Hollywood actor, Oliver Lawless (James Marsden/ “X-Men,” “Enchanted”) poses the question “how much of ourselves and our lives are we willing to give up to be socially excepted?”
Yesterday I had the privilege of talking to Mogel and Paul over the phone about the flick. They talked the impact of filming out of order, choosing such as ambitious project to start their directing careers and the chemistry and allure of Black and Marsden. To listen to our conversation click on the link below, the film opens May 8th, 2015.

To learn more about the film visit:

‘Spy’ Review

TV Review: Arrow 3.22 (Photo Recap)