
Ask A Celeb : Kam Heskin’s Answers!

The star of “The Prince and me 2” and the upcoming “Prince and Me 3”

You may have seen her in “Catch Me if You Can”, possibly even “Tomcats” and/or “Dirty Love”, and I know a lot of our younger viewers know her face from “The Prince and Me 2” (she’ll soon be back as Princess Paige for a second sequel!) but where you’ll be seeing the name ‘Kam Heskin’ in the future is striped across a multiplex marquee! You guys had the chance to ask the gifted next-big-thing a few questions… and here are her answers.

Sarah asks : I so loved you in “The Prince and Me 2” – you were much more suited to the role of Paige than Julia Stiles. How did you get the role?
Kam Says : Thank you Sarah! I got the role by plain old auditioning. I read for one of the producers Robin Schorr and they asked to see a tape of a movie I did called Pride and Prejudice and I got the role 2 days later!!

Ricardo Asks : I assume “Prince and Me 2” was filmed in some foreign country? How did you handle being out of your comfort-zone (U.S) for so long?
Kam Says : It’s always nice to be on location because it helps you focus on the work so much more. You don’t have any distractions and it’s nice to be able to explore a foreign country on your down time too!

Trudi Bernstein Asks : Did Julia Stiles ever congratulate you on your performance?
Kam Says : I’ve never ran into Julia Stiles or met her. I believe she was shooting another project during the time we shot this sequal. I would certainly congratulate her on the first one!

Heather Asks : You were very good in “Dirty Love”… the movie wasn’t that hot though. Does it hurt you, personally, when a film doesn’t do well like that?
Kam Says : I wouldn’t say it hurts, but it certainly doesn’t help. I wasn’t the lead in that film so it wasn’t really on my shoulders to begin with. Also, you can never control the way a film turns out, all you can do is the best with your own part, the rest is up to the stars I guess.

Chris Asks : Didn’t you have the lead in a Dolph Lundgren movie a few years back? What was that? And if I recall correctly, that was a TV pilot originally?
Kam Says : Yes, it was a backdoor pilot directed by John Woo called Blackjack. My first project EVER!!

Lisa G Asks : Hi, loved you in “Prince and Me 2”. You’re listed as a ‘performer’ on “Pride & Prejudice” – – did you sing?
Kam Says : Ya know someone else just asked me that and I’m not really sure. We had a scene in the movie were a bunch of us sang a few bars of My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean, but as far as I knew, it had never made it to the soundtrack. Maybe it has!

Richard Spector Asks : What wouldn’t you do for a movie? Physical stunts? Nude/sex scenes? Scenes of physical abuse? Where do you draw the line?
Kam Says : I’m not comfortable doing nudity in films. The rest is easily faked or choreographed out so it’s not much of an issue but my family would certainly not be supportive of me going nude on film!

Stephanie Asks : Please Please Please Please tell me that there’s going to be a “Prince and Me 3”! Also, what’s “Howl”, your new movie about?
Kam Says : Yes, there is going to be a Prince and Me 3! Howl is a tongue and cheek werewolf film in the horror genre that we will hopefully be shooting soon!

Tags Asks : Is there a role you REALLY wanted, but didn’t get?
Kam Says : Haha, sooo many! Daisy Duke in Dukes of Hazzard, Jessica Alba’s role in Sin City, Isla Fisher’s role in the Wedding Crashers, and I also screen tested for Shannon on Lost!

Wendi Asks : You rocked on “Passions”. How different was it doing a soap to doing a big-budget movie?
Kam Says : A soap has A LOT of dialogue to memorize, much more so than a movie and at a much quicker pace than a movie. A movie is more creative in my opinion because soaps are so regulated by the studios and networks it ends up being much more corporate and controlled.

Chase Asks : What’s next for you? Anything lined up? “Prince and Me 3”?
Kam Says : Yes, Prince and Me 3 and Howl, both of which I’m looking forward too.

Melanie Asks : How was it shooting in Romania on “Vlad” – good film by the way – was it cold and miserable? Or a good experience?
Kam Says : I really enjoyed shooting in Romania. We were there in the fall and it was really beautiful to shoot in the old castles. It started to get a little cold towards the end but I would love to go back there!

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