
Auction : Beautiful Home on top of Indian Burial Ground

Yep, “Poltergeist” is being remade

They’rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre back!

Um, but where the heck is Craig T.Nelson? and why does that blonde moppet look like a long-lost Fanning family member?

According to Bloody Disgusting, Michael Grais has written a fourth Poltergeist movie for nothing – both financially and practically speaking – because Mandate and MGM are teaming up on a remake.

Yep. Remake. Carol Anne will discover the TV is haunted all over again.

Sound off in the talkbacks that don’t exist below but you can pretend they do for the sake of this news item.

Exclusive Interview : Michelle Monaghan

Seen Poughkeepsie Tapes trailer, all?