
Aussie hottie may walk down Annie‘s Hall

Annie get your gun, a fierce friggin’ lawyer is on her way over.

“Damages” star Rose Byrne is in talks to join movie musical redo “Annie”, according to our wealthier pals at The Hollywood Reporter.

The spunky Aussite would join fellow looker Cameron Diaz on the Will Smith produced project.

The Bridesmaids star would take on the role of Grace, dutiful assistant to Jamie Foxx’s Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks character (here called Benjamin Stacks), the rich New York financier who takes in the titlular orphan, played in the adaptation by Quvenzhane Wallis.

Cameron Diaz has signed on to play Miss Hannigan, the story’s villainous orphanage matron.

As unappealing a project as it sounds (or maybe that’s just the ‘Will Smith loves him some redoing classics’ stench coming from Overbrook) this thing’s likely to shape up OK – it’s got a good cast (an Oscar winner even), Jay-Z – also producing – is doing the music, and “Easy A” director Will Gluck is helming. I reckon it’ll be a tolerable sit-through with my 6-year-old.

Tomorrowland could be worth a visit, will feature cute blondes!

Hunnam, Blanchett and Waltz for Hillcoat’s Triple Nine