
Aykroyd responds to Ghostbusters casting

Dan Aykroyd says he totally approves of the cast Paul Feig has picked for his all-female “Ghostbusters” reboot.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, the star and writer of the 1984 hit said he’s pleased Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon will take over where he, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson left off.

“The Aykroyd family is delighted by this inheritance of the Ghostbusters torch by these most magnificent women in comedy”, Aykroyd, who has long wanted to get a third “Ghostbusters” off the ground (though one that he’d feature in), told the trade.

While it doesn’t seem Aykroyd himself has been invited to play a role in the Paul Feig directed redo, his co-star Bill Murray has (see here) – so what do you really think, Dan?

Meanwhile, HitFix seem to know someone with a copy of the script; as such, they were able to fill us in on who the girls are playing in the film. Unfortunately, their original report has been taken down (at Sony’s request, which essentially means it was all true then) but we can tell you that a couple are academics at Columbia, another is a wannabe hunter of anything Paranormal, another is the latter’s Ghost-hunting partner, and the other is an MTA employee who runs into the main ghost in the film.

Paul Feig’s Cosmopolitan-sponsored “Ghostbusters” attempt hit theaters July, 2016.

Trailer : Tracers

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