
Batman : The Brave and the Bold – Season 1 Part 1

By Clint Morris

What a fun series this is.

It may sound, even look like, your atypical animated Batman series but “Batman : The Brave and the Bold” is anything but. In fact, it’s more “Robot Chicken” than anything. And you know what? after so many way-too-dark Batman toons (last one saw Robin murdered!) it’s refreshing to discover one that ‘kids’ can actually watch.

Almost a satire on the old “Super Friends” cartoon, “Brave and the Old” teams a dry, wise-cracking incarnation of the Caped Crusader (voiced by “Drew Carey” alum Deidrich Bader) with such pals as Aquaman, Plastic Man, Blue Beetle and Night Wing as they, in between ribbing each other and near expunging their mysterious and macho personalities by simply opening their mouths, defeat a multitude of villains.

I suppose it’s not necessarily the “Robot Chicken” version of Batman, but an animated version of the Adam West series – that was equally as campy and comical. This though, definitely puts the funny bone before the head lock.

Wonderfully entertaining for both small and big kids alike.


Nothing but 13 episodes. Still, that’s sufficient.

Harrison Ford, Rachel McAdams, Diane Keaton

The Exorcist