
Brace for Star Trek : The Beginning

Any avid reader of this portal would know that I’m more a Jedi-junkie than a Phaser-fan, but I gotta say, "Enterprise" may have swayed me to the other side. Am I the only one?

One of the first "Trek" series I’ve watched back-to-front, front-to-back, and on pause (Hi Jolene), the popular but short lived series grabbed me from the get go – thanks to it’s broad template and it’s ‘anyone is welcome’ strategm – and didn’t let up until the last warp coil was blown. Unfortunately, it didn’t garner enough of an audience to survive.

Having crashed and burned, I’ve gotta say, I’m a bit bummed that we’ll probably never see Captain Archer, Trip, T’Pol and Porthos the K-9, on the big screen – yet, I do understand why they’re not a fit – but as long as uncle Gene’s legendary space saga returns in some shape or form then Trekkies, Trekkers and ‘Dudes that like big explosions and hot Vulcans’ will be happy enough. Right?

Erik Jendreson is the chap with the tough task of not only penning a new "Star Trek" movie but reassuring Paramount that there’s juice in the ol’ Enterprise yet. He talked to Dreamwatch – via TrekWeb – magazine about his plans.

According to the scribe, "Star Trek : The Beginning" (please dude, for the sake of Exorcist prequel loathers everywhere, change that title) will be set after the events of TV’s "Enterprise" but before Captain Kirk ever boarded the creamy space-ship.

“We’re looking at a very small group of men and women, particularly focusing on one character," Jendresen says. "There are a couple of ships, including a principal ship, but this is not a traditional captain and crew of a starship story in the least."

From the sounds of it, Jendresen’s script may centre on ‘The Romulan War’. "It would look at the inciting incident that started everything…The story is big and epic, and it isn’t as antiseptic as the television stories had to be".

Is he confident? "I’m excited about this project and I think the chances of it getting made are good," reveals Jendresen. "It all depends on what the studio thinks, and Paramount has been through significant changes lately. But the people who are making the decisions are pretty responsible folk with a fine body of work behind them. So, we’ll see. Right now, I’m optimistic."

Beam Me Up T’Pol.

Thanks to ‘Gustavo’, TrekWeb

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