
Brian Kirk into Thor Play

“Game of Thrones” helmer Brian Kirk is in early talks to direct the sequel to “Thor”.

The pic, which “Thor” director Kenneth Branagh opted not to reclaim his fold-up director’s chair on, would be Kirk’s first major Hollywood production.

According to Variety, Kirk rose to the top of the list of directors vying for the job after he showed his abilities to juggle large ensembles of thesps and complex storylines in his TV projects, while also grounding the fantasy genre via his work on “Thrones.” It’s believed Kirk bet toi the job, among others, Drew Gooard, James McTeigue, Noam Murro and Breck Eisner.

The sequel to the 2010 hit, again starring Chris Hemsworth as the Protein Powder stumper, will apparently feature many “Aasgardians and creatures in the Norse mythology-set world.” Don Payne, who co-wrote “Thor,” is writing the sequel.

“Thor 2” is scheduled for release July 26, 2013.

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