

If you haven’t yet read “If Chins Could Kill: Confessions Of A B Movie Actor” by Bruce Campbell, I want you to shut down your browser, and either a). Log on to, order a copy now for next day delivery, or b). Turn of your PC/Mac, walk down to your local bookstore, pick up a copy, come home reading it on the way, sit down on your couch, and finish off one of the funniest books you will read in a long, long time.

If you have already read it, there’s good news, because as Bruce was speaking to the good folks over at Sci he spilled the beans on his next book, “Make Love The Bruce Campbell Way”:

"This is a relationship book without the facts," Campbell said. "I’m not drawing on any personal experiences. This is total fiction."

Campbell described the book as "a gag relationship book." "It’s a series of fictional stories tied together by the theme of my trying to give a friend some relationship advice," he said. "The problem is I don’t know anything about relationships, and so I end up going on this crazy journey to help him. Of course the whole thing blows up in my face and ends up being this crazy disaster." Campbell has flown below the celebrity radar for his more than 20 years in show business and has observed that celebrities don’t always have the fun the tabloids say they do.

It’s due on the shelf June 1st, so get pre-ordering right now, primates!

– Adam Weeks.

When Hot and Hairy Collide

Liam Neeson – Irishman, Actor, Jedi Knight, Abraham Lincoln