
By George, Mel’s Captive!

“Amityville” babe experiences new horror

Aussie spunkette Melissa George (“Alias”, “Derailed”) has signed to star in “Captive”, a new Amanda Gusack written/directed thriller shooting in Canada this month.

The happily married mother of a 6 year old boy, Jaime Taylor regains consciousness after a bad car accident and finds herself being held captive in a remote waterfront warehouse by the mysterious Vince, a masked killer whose shocking revelations are about to turn her formerly safe and orderly existence upside down.

Does this girl always find herself in captivity? one minute it’s a psycho Ryan Reynolds that’s keeping her in the house… the next she’s nabbed by some organ harvesters (in “Turistas”).

Casting call for Tekken

Wild Geese redo in the works