
Casting call for Tekken

Dwight Little directing game cum film

Dwight Little (“Anacondas”, “Murder at 1600”) is currently prepping – a film that should’ve happened five years ago… or should it have? – the film adaptation of the video game “Tekken”. Moviehole managed to get its hands on some of the character breakdowns. Know anyone that fits the bill?

Rehearsal Dates: September, 2007.
Principal Photography Dates: November, 2007 (in Budapest, Hungary).
STORY: The film is based on the Namco videogame TEKKEN is a near future “Gladiator” style action film. It tells the story of Jin Kazama, a twenty-something street fighter who embarks on a journey to avenge his mother’s death at the hands of The TEKKEN Corporation and its CEO Heihachi Mishima. Jin travels a hero’s journey into the heart of TEKKEN city and the Ironfist fighting tournament,which is the greatest mixed martial arts competition in the world. He discovers his true identity and fulfils his destiny as the rightful heir to TEKKEN.

Breakdown– Jin: Early 20s, tough for his age and has a developed physical presence. He is Asian, or Asian/American, a fine actor and also a natural athlete and/or martial arts practitioner. Jin should feel more man than boy and ideally have a bit of an edge, garnered from living his early life on the streets. Jin will have complex emotional scenes to play and must be convincing both as an actor and athlete. Jin Kazama is the star and lead character in TEKKEN.

Thanks to ‘the Boss’

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