
Casting : Robbie, Hoffman, Cannavale, McCarthy, Heitmeyer, Kelly

“Pan Am” star Margot Robbie has snared the female lead in “Focus”. Robbie replaces Kristen Stewart, who dropped out of the film along with original male lead Ben Affleck. The Con-artist flick will now be headlined by Will Smith. There’s supposedly some rather sizzling scenes between the two characters in the script – should be interesting… (Variety)

Dustin Hoffman and Bobby Cannavale have booked Jon Favreau’s “Chef”. Favreau, directing and co-starring in the film, revealed the news himself here.

Emilia McCarthy, Jayne Heitmeyer, and Justin Kelly are also in David Cronenberg’s newie “Map to the Stars”, headlined by Robert Pattinson (THR)

Mackenzie Foy twilighting as an Interstellar cast-member

Comic-Con 2013 : Posters and Artwork Coolness!