
Conan : The Next Gens?

“Hitman” helmer might resurrect Howard hero

“Hitman” may have been one of 2007s biggest stinkers – but apparently Hollywood still likes the way director Xavier Gens smells (and really, we all know whose fault it was that this one blew…. and it wasn’t the guy in the director’s cap with gaffer tape slapped across his smile).

According to Dark Horizons, The 32-year-old French filmmaker is apparently in talks to helm the new “Conan the Barbarian” movie thats seemingly been in the works longer than Schwarzenegger’s been governing California. The Arnold-less remake, which Robert Rodriguez was at one time attached to, is set up at Millennium Films who plans to have it in theatres by 2009.

Maybe this time Gens will actually get ‘final cut’ or at least the power to make a couple of crucial decisions about his film before they lock picture.

Don’t consider it a done deal just yet though – a few days back Aint it Cool reported that John McTiernan (“Predator”) had actually been approached about helming the new “Conan”.

Borman talks Terminator Salvation

The Weeksly Late Edition – 29/12/07