
Crowe caught in a Body of Lies

Co-starring Leonardo DiCaprio

How’s this for a powerhouse coupling? Russell Crowe and Leonardo DiCaprio.

The Kodak theatre favourites are uniting to headline the William Monahan (‘The Departed’) penned, “Body of Lies”, which Crowe’s regular colleague, Ridley Scott, will direct.

Crowe will play Ed Hoffman, the manipulative CIA boss who teams with operative Roger Ferris (DiCaprio) to trap a dangerous Al Qaeda leader by planting a false rumor that the bomber is in cahoots with the Americans, according to Variety.

Apparently the producers have been chasing Crowe for a couple of months now. As of today, he’s essentially in, but still wants to read the polished rewrite before firmly committing.

A Lampoon of 300 in the works

Moviehole MailBag – 28/7/07