
David Fincher using Kickstarter to finance The Goon movie!?

A feature film adaptation of Eric Powell’s Dark Horse Comic series “The Goon” has stalled once again.

Despite talent such as David Fincher and Paul Giamatti being attached to the project and an impressive proof of concept trailer being released to demonstrate the tone and visuals of a potential animated film, studios are proving reluctant to sign on the project due to its obviously adult content.

Fincher (who is producing the flick) has since decided to start a Kickstarter fund for the film alongside co-directors Tim Miller and Jeff Fowler.

With Miller responsible for creating the stunning opening sequence for “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” and the “Halo 4” launch trailer, “The Goon” looks to be in good hands if it can get the funds to move forward.
The trio is looking to raise $400,000 to create a story real, and Fincher, Miller and Fowler have created an outstanding video asking for donations, which targets a number of specific groups including “Marvel Superhero Fans” and “Xenophobes” in order to hit their goal.

With such a top-notch creative team and the current supernatural craze, this looks like it could be one hell of an animated film.

Check out the Kickstarter page for the film here.

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