
De Vito finds a Home with Capacity

A new independent comedy from Sam Harper

What I like about Danny De Vito is that he’s not a snob. If something’s not going to pay big biccies, it doesn’t seem to worry him one bit – and why would it? He’s probably still receiving residuals for “Taxi”.

The Jersey Films head-honcho has agreed to headline an independent comedy called “No Place Like Home” for Capacity Pictures with Wayne Rice and Rich Heller producing.

According to Variety, the film will be directed by Sam Harper, based on his script. It centers on a recently retired fireman whose plans for a quiet life are squelched by his unemployed twentysomething sons who still live at home. With his wife unwilling to kick them out, he kidnaps her so the sons are forced to fend for themselves.

De Vito mostly recently appeared – albeit briefly – in the comedy “Reno 911! : Miami”.

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