
Duchovny, Quaid or Swayze for "Batman 5"?

Some new specs have surfaced over at the most regal of Caped Crusader portals, Batman on film, regarding the upcoming stab at grandeur. The site heard from a scooper who confirmed that Ashton Kutcher is indeed out, and that “Look for the new bat-rig to be more faithful to the comics, as in not all black. Also, look for the sculpted "rubber" look to go away, a la Spiderman.” And the batmobile? “smaller, sleeker; think dodge viper crossed with a small dragster.” So who’s going to be our lead?

According to the scooper, both Christian Bale and Matthew McConaughey are under consideration for super-parts. “There was discussion about Christian Bale, unofficially, because Matthew McCoughnahey is a name being pushed for Superman. Both were teamed in Reign Of Fire. WB wants to coordinate the casting of their premiere properties, as they want to re-launch both for a trilogy-plus run, with an eventual cross-over/team-up. Bale would be a solid Bruce Wayne, having the look, build, & height, as well as the talent for the role.

“Whoever gets the nod for both roles is hoped for a 3 picture deal. This will mean a 25-30 something star for each film. THIS ALSO means younger versions of Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, & Harvey Dent, than in the previous films. Alfred will be in his fifties; Commissioner Gordon will be in his forties, & more along the lines of Miller’s "YEAR ONE" Gordon. A teen-age Barbara Gordon, Gordon’s niece, may make a non-Batgirl cameo. (not Alicia Silverstone’s Barbara PENNYWORTH from Batman & Robin).

“Logic would dictate that the same treatment would be given to the Flying Grayson’s Although all involved say Robin WILL NOT be part of the plot. Harvey Dent WILL NOT be Two-face, solidifying the thought that this is a restart to the franchise. This is significant, as this opens the door for an appearance by The Joker, either in this or future films. Dent will be a contemporary of Wayne’s; look for him to be in his mid thirties. Names for the part include Noah Wiley from ER, David Duchovney, & Dougray Scott (also mentioned for Bruce Wayne)! Gordon has no names attached, but agents for Dennis Quaid, Sam Neil, Patrick Swayze (?!) & Dylan McDermott(?!) have all been contacted. WB/Nolan want Gordon to be a significant role in the upcoming franchise. Look for him to be a grizzled, hard as nails cop that begrudgingly befriends Batman.”

Be interesting to see if the above scoopers on the level…

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