
Eli Roth producing killer Clown movie

Eli Roth will produce “Clown”, a feature film inspired by a popular faux trailer put together by tyro filmmaker John Watts, says Mike Fleming at Deadline.

Watts will direct the film, a horror flick about a father who upon adorning a clown costume is unable to get it off ultimately transforming into a horrific Penny-wise-like jester, with Christopher D. Ford co-writing.

Though Roth’s name appeared on the Faux trailer, he had never heard of it at the time. Cheekiness pays off, it seems.

Roth, whose most recent producing effort was “The Last Exorcism”, has also agreed to produce “Aftershock”, a Nicolas Lopez directed film about the aftermath of the February 27, 2010 Chilean earthquake that hit 8.8 on the Richter scale, created a tsunami and claimed the lives of more than 480 in one terrifying event.

Both sound fun. Here’s that trailer for “Clown” :

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