
Ellin’s wish list for Entourage 2 includes bringing back Carla Gugino

Though “Entourage”, the movie, ends on a relatively high note for all, if Doug Ellin gets to do a sequel he’ll place Vinnie and friends back in the shit again.

“I don’t have any thoughts on what it is yet, but the plan is to do another one,” writer, director and series creator Ellin tells Zap2it.

So, yes, that means the happy stuff at the end of the current movie won’t be long lasting.

“That’s how life is. Everything seems great,” Ellin says. “That’s especially how Hollywood is. Everything seems great, then it goes to s***.”

While it’s early days, and this weekend’s box office will ultimately dictate whether there’ll even be an “Entourage 2”, Ellin says we can expect to see Carla Gugino’s agent Amanda Daniels make a return.

“Not that she needs [the role] but she is one of the greats,” Ellin says of “San Andreas” star Gugino. “To get her in this stuff is great and hopefully we’ll find something for her if we do the sequel.”

Carla Gugino in "San Andreas"
Carla Gugino in “San Andreas”

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