
Eric Bana may fly an Incredible Hulk Chopper in Navy SEAL actioner

Eric Bana has joined the cast of “Lone Survivor”, director Peter Berg’s Navy SEAL actioner that’s already attracted the talents of Mark Wahlberg, Ben Foster, Taylor Kitsch and Emile Hirsch.

The Hollywood Reporter, who has the news on “Black Hawk Down” star Bana’s casting, says the actor will play a lieutenant in the movie, based on the account of war hero Matthew Luttrell.

Lone Survivor recounts how Luttrell and three other SEALs were on a reconnaissance mission near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border in 2005. They came across an old man and three boys, and while knowing that it could jeopardize their lives, the commandos let the group pass. The act of mercy backfired, and soon the team was under attack by a small Taliban army. Luttrell was the only one who survived. A later firefight led to the largest loss of life in SEAL history.

Bana just wrapped “Closed Circuit” for director John Crawley, and is also in the upcoming “Deadfall”.

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