Exclusive : Another Iron Man 2 cameo

Earlier this week, Stan Lee was revealed to be (not that it’s a big surprise – he’s appeared in most of the Marvel movies) cameoing in “Iron Man 2”. And we’ve just got word of another cameo – albeit a slightly less exciting one (for anyone that’s not known to spend their Thursday nights camped outside a velvet rope anyway).


Los Angeles’ most record-scratcher has filmed a cameo for Jon Favreau’s super sequel. And it probably won’t surprise you to hear what he’s doing in the movie. I’ve stretched more in a tight-fitting turtle neck.

AM appears in a scene that takes place at a club, where Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) is celebrating his birthday.

(SPOILER) When Stark shows up in his alter-ego costume, all hell breaks loose). And I guess the music stops!? Or Stark busts a move to some acidic trance mega-mix!? (SPOILER)

What has the ‘Vanilla Ice Ninja Rap’ scene from “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II : Secret of the Ooze” suddenly pop into my head?

From The Roxbury to the Alphabet

Hugo Weaving