
Grease 3 changed to suit Travolta?

Apparently Paramount are still trying to coax John Travolta (If "Bobby Long" hits big, like it looks like it will, you’ll have more luck catching a stray tabby with potato chips) into doing the long-planned "Grease 3".

According to Contact Music, the script has now slightly changed (what, no kids? no Kylie? great!) : It would now be set in 1980, with Travolta and Olivia Newton-John’s characters meeting up again at a Rydell High School reunion and falling back in love. Awwww…

Apparently Travolta and Newton-John like the sound of it better now. "They loved working with each other then and really hope that can pair up again", says a source.

Meanwhile, Travolta’s off to Florida where he’s about to start work on a new film called "Lonely Hearts", which is based on the true-life story of a couple executed for the killings of more than a dozen woman back in the 1940. James Gandolfini co-stars.

Three new trailers to gawk at

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