
Hulk 2 writer talks Norton casting

And what will different about the new movie?

Zak ‘don’t blame me for X-Men 3’ Penn waxed lyrical with Coming Soon about Edward Norton being cast in “The Incredible Hulk” – a film he also put pen to paper on.

“I couldn’t be happier about Ed Norton,” he told the site. “I worked on the first ‘Hulk’ movie and I remember talking about how awesome it would be if we got Ed Norton to play this part. He really was up for it the first time. I think Ed Norton’s one of the best actors working, and even I was pretty shocked that he wanted to do it. It’s one of those rare things where it turned out better than I [expected]. Look, there’s a lot of really good actors who wanted to do it even before I wrote my script. I’m not just saying this, but I cannot think of a better person to play Bruce Banner. In this case, Ed Norton would have been at the top of my list.

“To me, the thing about Bruce is that he’s a physicist, he’s a super-smart guy who has a lot of repressed anger. To me, that is the essential thing you need to know about him. He could be tall or short, but you have to believe that he’s a physicist, you have to believe that life is frustrating for him physically. Ed went to Yale. He’s a really smart guy. He has an intelligence that you can see on-screen, which a lot of people who are great actors don’t project that. He projects the guy that is smarter than you, and he also projects anger in a lot of his movies, ‘Fight Club’ being the most obvious example. If you think about ‘Fight Club,’ he has a lot of similarities to the Hulk as a character. Tyler Durden is his Hulk.”

Penn also tells the site that the sequel is “about Bruce Banner on the run and what life is like. There’s stuff that I didn’t want to deal with that was in the first movie. You’re not going to see anything about his father or his experiments or anything, because to me, as a fan, that was the part that I found most frustrating and nooooooo dogs.”

For more on Penn’s comments about “The Incredible Hulk” and what he’s just got planned for the “Avengers” movie – click here.

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