Hunger Games sequel needs a rewrite! Quick, get that guy who wrote Woody & Buzz’s last flick!

Sounds like someone might’ve accidentally you a script to blow their nose.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Michael Arndt has been asked to rewrite the script for “Catching Fire”, the highly-anticipated squee-worthy follow-up to this year’s studio-saver “The Hunger Games”.

Arndt worked on “Toy Story 3” and “Little Miss Sunshine” so he’s a man who’s undoubtedly familiar with sweat inducing tension and foxy females bearing deadly weapons (tell me Mrs Potato Head wasn’t a stone cold fox? I’d bake that!).

“Slumdog Millionaire” scribe Simon Beaufoy wrote the initial draft of the script, but he’s off for unknown reasons – – I’m thinking that rumoured Bollywood dance number he wrote into the film, in which Katniss and Haymitch let their wiggle do the jiggle on the training ground, wasn’t looked upon too kindly be Lionsgate.

Arndt has a big job ahead of him, not only does he have to get the screenplay done quick quick (due to star Jennifer Lawrence’s commitment to the next “X-Men” movie), but he’s got to please an abundance of machete-yielding, hysterically-committed fans.

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