
I Spit On Your Grave 2 shooting in Eastern Europe this November

“I Spit On Your Grave” helmer Steven Monroe – who managed to not only breathe new life into Meir Zarchi’s’s classic VHS nasty, but emboss the thing in his own spin too – is back for the sequel, “I Spit On Your Grave 2”.

The film, housed by CineTel, goes before the cameras in Eastern Europe in November.

The heroine, this time, is Jessica, a beautiful New York model who gets more than she bargained for when she rocks out to, what she believes, will be a simple photo shoot. Jessica is raped, tortured and kidnapped to a foreign country, essentially left to die.

Just as the original film’s revenge-seeking heroine did, the severely-injured Jessica manages to escape and quickly seeks her vengeance.

Thomas Fenton (“Saw IV”) penned the film’s screenplay.

Having worked with Monroe on “Complacent”, I can truly testify to the man’s gift as a filmmaker – a gift that his proven can be utilized to great effect on any genre.

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Olivia Thirlby