
Is Vin Diesel playing ‘Vision’ in The Avengers 2?

Update : Diesel has changed his profile picture. Did he accidentally leak something, via visual hint, that he wasn’t supposed to? Or maybe he misjudged internet rumour mongers and thought he best change the pic before a rumour starts circulating that he’s involved in “Avengers 2”? If so, too late.

Why did Vin Diesel just change his Facebook profile pic to ‘Vision’, the Marvel comics character? Hmmm…

It’s rare that Diesel would change his photo to… well, anyone but himself (and rightly so). And that’s pretty much the reason for posting the news. But with “Avengers 2” gearing up (and scheduled to open May 1, 2015), there’s the slight chance the “Fast & Furious” actor may have already been selected to play a new addition to the team (the solar-powered android was originally sent to knock-off ‘Ant-Man’ but swapped sides, as many do in the Marvel universe), right? Speculate away…

Sure, it could be nothing. But why would Diesel do it then? Is he messing with us? Maybe he’s simply a fan of the character? Or is he – as he’s done in the past – using his Facebook fan page to hint at upcoming projects (he’s been talking about the new “Riddick” movie for a decade, no!?) he’s involved in?

Guess we’ll find out when Disney sends out a press release announcing the cast of “The Avengers 2” in a years time or so. Not long at all.

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