
Is your Smurf itching for a new full-length trailer!?

Sony has released a new full-length trailer for “The Smurfs”, a CGI/live-action hybrid based on the ol’ Peyo cartoons. Fleshy cast members include Neil Patrick Harris, Hank Azaria and “Glee” fave Jayma Mays, while the Blue Man Group sound a lot like Jonathan Winters, Katy Perry and Alan Cumming, to name but a few. The plot, rumoured to have been written on the back of a hotdog-stand napkin, has the Smurf’s headed to New York City where they look up old friends Billy, played by Zach Gallighan, and Kate, played by Phoebe Cates, who…oh wait, wrong movie. Whatever, enjoy!

Yahoo! has the HD trailer :

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