
It's The Last Time for Michael Keaton

He’s only a hop, skip and a jump away from a full-blown comeback, I say. Talking about former Caped Crusader turned EVP fanatatic Michael Keaton, whose just scored another plum role for his fat CV. OK, so the token pop role in a "Herbie" remake isn’t exactly the best move to make after headlining a surprise hit like "White Noise", but it still keeps you paddling in the big leagues.

Keaton – real name Michael Douglas, and there I go just giving away answers for our Shout about Movies competition today – will join one-time Jungle swinger Brendan Fraser for the Michael Caleo-penned "The Last Time", says Production Weekly.

The film tells of a contended salesman and a grumpy loner, the top moneymaker in a new New York business, who team up – so the latter can show him and fiancee the awful realities of the world. In the end, it’s he who gets the lesson.

The film, which Caleo will also direct, is eyeing an August start in the always lively New Orleans area.

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