
Johnson throws a Brick into Space!

Had a chat to the terrific Rian Johnson, writer/director of “Brick” and the upcoming “The Brother’s Bloom” (undoubtedly one of the best movies of the year – it’s probably the best-written thing I’ve seen since Chris Nolan’s “Memento”) about what he’s working on next.

“I’m writing a science-fiction film – it’s very character-based sci-fi, and it’s not like big space-ships or anything, it’s very focused. It’s more like Children of Men. This is going to be very different to both [Brick and The Brothers Bloom] and that’s what excites me about it. It’s almost the exact opposite – it’s pretty dark”.

Johnson says he’s aching to work with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, his “Brick” lead, again so maybe he’ll get a look-in for one of the roles in this new science-fiction pic?

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