
Juno what Ellen’s doing next?

Drew Barrymore’s directorial debut has a star

The best young actress on the planet right now, “Juno” star Ellen Page, will headline Drew Barrymore’s – hey, is it true Justin Long’s dating her?! What’s with that? – directorial debut, “Whip It!”.

According to Variety, The movie follows the exploits of alterna-teen Bliss, who lives in a small Texas town, where she is always being pushed into beauty pageants. But she winds up finding herself after joining a female roller derby team.

I imagine Ms Barrymore will take a supporting role in the film.

“I really admire how Drew constantly challenges herself as an artist,” Page told Variety. “She’s proven herself as an actress and a producer, and I have no doubt she’ll bring great vision and creativity to the director’s chair. I can’t wait to kick ass on wheels!”

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