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24 likely returning – but maybe without Kiefer Sutherland

Not surprisingly, Fox are considering bringing back “24” – but it might not be without star Kiefer Sutherland.

Sutherland, whose been somewhat vocal about wanting to take leave from the franchise, would possibly pass the torch (or CTU badge) to another hero.

“We would love nothing more than to do another 24. That’s a constant focus for us,” Fox Group Co-Chariman Gary Newman said at The TCA’s. “We have discussed it with [Kiefer]. Potentially, he won’t be in this installment, we’re not sure yet. We’re not that far along but I know he supports us doing more 24. We’re not talking about continuing the show without him; we’re talking about whether there’s one installment that he’s not in.”

“I think great characters with that creative team … I look at everyone that surrounded Kiefer in that last installment — I think it could work”, Walden said. “[The pitch] was in the very origin stages and it could have gone either way. There was a point at which Jack Bauer could come in and fit very organically into their story or they were prepared to do something that would be the one installment without him.”

Maybe ‘The Chloe Chronicles’?

Prison Break returning – with Lincoln and Michael!?

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