
Leaked Redband trailer for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo!

Tone humps a Nikon in this very stylish first-teaser for David Fincher’s “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”. As against remakes as I am, I’m convinced Fincher’s anointment as the redoer of the Lisbeth Salander saga can only mean this’ll be one of those rare ones that warrants existence – much like Martin Scorsese’s bravura English-language remake of the equally-excellent “Infernal Affairs” (which, of course, wore the title “The Departed” in it’s remake form).

I love Fincher and have from the moment I walked out of “Se7en” with my friend Lisa. The film really rattled me. So much so I remember us really picking up pace as the shadows around us started to creep in on our walk back home. The man really set a mood with that movie – an ominous, rather disturbing one. And he’s done it over and over again since – from “The Game” to “Fight Club” and “Zodiac”, the man is a master storyteller; the antithesis of the point-and-shoot filmmaker.

Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara (she was the heroine of the recent, wretched “Nightmare on Elm Street” remake), Stellan Skarsgard, Embeth Davidtz (Bruce’s babe from “Army of Darkness”) and Christopher Plummer (General Chang!) star.

“Dragon Tattoo” series won’t be for everyone but those that love their mysteries, some of the ol’ noir efforts, and don’t need to be spoon-fed at all times, will enjoy the story – I know I did, and I know I’m ready and excited to experience it again…. only with some Led Zeppelin tunes to light the way!

Here’s the teaser which was leaked onto YouTube today :

That Punisher vs. Judge Dredd movie? Off!

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