
That ludicrous Men in Black/Jump Street crossover plan is off!

Seems plans for a new “Men in Black” movie that might combine the casts of the sci-fi comedy with that of Sony’s fellow franchisee “21 Jump Street” may have fallen through. According to “Men in Black” director Barry Sonnenfeld, the cost of combining the casts of those two films is too expensive. He is hearing rumblings of a new “Men in Black” though – as in, solo adventures of the sunglasses-wearing monster blasters – only he and Will Smith won’t be involved.

“I wish there were a fourth film. I don’t think Will Smith nor I would be involved. But I love the franchise, because I developed it and created it. But I think the problem with making a fourth film, for a while they were talking about combining 21 Jump Street and Men in Black, [is] there are too many expensive players in the mix. There’s Steven Spielberg, there’s other producers, and I think the way to do it is to have new agents or something like that. Not have me, not have Will, not have Tommy (Lee Jones). Just have other adventures. I wish they would do it, I don’t know if they will.”

Previous reports suggested a new “Men in Black” trilogy, with a new cast, was in development. Sonnenfeld’s claim seems to substantiate those earlier reports.

Via ‘Digital Spy

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