
Marsters still keen to reprise Spike

Former “Buffy” and “Angel” star James Marsters, currently downunder for a series of Supernova convention appearances, tells The Herald-Sun he still hopes to play the eternally-youthful vampire ‘Spike’ again someday… soon. Meanwhile, he’s prepping to play the villain in the reboot of “Hawaii Five-O”.

Five years ago, when everyone was asking whether there would be some kind of Buffy comeback, you told the Herald Sun that you only had a couple of years before you’d be too old to play Spike. Has that window of time passed?

No, you know, I’m holding up better than I thought I was (laughs). I’ve discovered wheat-grass and stretching! I dunno. It’d have to all come down to a camera-test, and is there a way to light the character so that he’ll be pretty much the same? I think it’d be possible, but it would be hard to tell without a real camera-test. I don’t want to play an ageing Spike. If we could really fool the audience into thinking I haven’t aged a day, that would be cool. But we’d need a lot of duct tape. Just kidding, I look gorgeous.

The word on your appearance in the Hawaii Five-O pilot made it sound like it was a guest role. But will it be an ongoing role for you if the pilot is picked up?

Mmm-hmmm! Mmm-hmm. They saw me in a fight sequence and something about it made them think “Let’s keep him around for a little bit”. I’m like a poor man’s Jackie Chan. But I have to say of all of the pilots that I knew about this year, this one stands the best chance of actually making it to the light of day. So I’m pretty hopeful.

You can read the full interview at the Herald-Sun website

News Bytes – April 15, 2010

David Duchovny & Demi Moore