
Marvel and Fox may swap superhero characters

Fox may play swapsies with Marvel.

In exchange for letting Marvel use some of the supporting characters from “The Fantastic Four” for future projects, Marvel will let Fox hang onto Daredevil.

Fox’s option on Daredevil is about to expire, you see, and if the long-gestating reboot (which now looks like it’ll be directed by “A-Team” helmer Joe Carnahan) doesn’t begin shooting by October, the studio’s supposed to hand the Man without Fear back to Marvel.

Win.. Win?

Variety reports :

Fox is in discussions with Joe Carnahan to direct what’s been described as a “Frank Miller-esque, hardcore 70s thriller” take on blind Hell’s Kitchen superhero Matt Murdock — a vision that would deviate from Disney/Marvel’s family-friendly tone. Carnahan has yet to receive an official offer, though multiple sources tell Variety that he’s the choice.

Fox needs to start lensing by Oct. 10 or Marvel gets the Daredevil character back. Fox is said to be high on Carnahan’s take, but making that deadline would be nearly impossible; one solution the companies are discussing is a co-financing arrangement.

But Fox also has something Marvel wants: According to sources close to the project, marvel wants the use of characters from the “Fantastic Four” universe in future Marvel pics, including the giant, world-devouring supervillain Galactus, rumored to play a key role in future Marvel pics, and his messenger the Silver Surfer, who makes a deal in the comicbooks to serve as Galactus’ messenger to save his home planet. Fox owns rights to both as part of its deal for “Fantastic Four,” which the studio is also rebooting with “Chronicle” helmer Josh Trank. Insiders say Fox wouldn’t be willing to part with those characters.

Talks are expected to resume later this week. Reps from Fox, Marvel and Carnahan would not comment on the dealings.

If only talks could also get underway between Sony and Marvel about possibly using Spider-Man in the next “Avengers” flick, hey!?

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