
Moviehole MailBag – 20/9/07

Featuring Catwoman, Bridgette Wilson, Holden and Adam Rifkin!

Your pressing questions answered by Clint Morris

I wish you’d just stop. – Paul

Clint: Yeah, I probably should – starting to lose my sight in one eye. But who are you to bark orders anyway shitstick?!

I liked all that you wrote about the Toronto Film Festival, lot of movies coming soon. My question is about Sigourney Weaver’s new movie ‘’The Girl In The Park’’. I heard a rumor from someone that Jamie Lee Curtis was originally offered the role, but she said no because she wasn’t doing movies. Do you guys know if there is any truth to that at all?. – TommyG

Clint : I believe Jamie was offered the role initially, but turned it down to spend more time with her family. She semi-retired from acting a couple of years ago, because there were no good roles coming her way, and I think she’s just gotten used to playing a stay-at-home ma. She recently said she regretted doing so many movies way back when because her daughter missed out. “My daughter was not the priority. I would take jobs wherever I had to take them and I would work all the time. You can talk about working for the greater good of the family and all of the spin you want to put on it, and yet I was just following my mother’s example at the expense of my daughter.” Thus explaining why the only film she’s working on at the moment (“South of the Border”) is an animated movie that she can essentially record from her home PC.

I am tried of them never looking in the bay area for talent (Oakland). Everything is always NYC or LA. I feel this young man E-A SKI would real give them a run for there money. HE is a producer and a writer, and a rapper. He has work with Dr. Dre, Snoop, Master P, TLC, Ice Cube, Ice T, this is just to name a few!
Is it any way we can get him hook-up?
– Ann

Clint : I don’t know what you’re referring to…. But I’ll have a 2kg bag, and make sure it’s the ‘good’ shit.

Hey Super Clint (the 40 millions Australian dollars man!), How u doing? It’s me Francesco (the 2 euros man) from Italy again!
Oh yes…I’ve read about the ‘’Friday’’ sequel, u was right…as always. so (maybe) we’ll see this flick. I said maybe ‘case as u said before it’s almost 18 months that we heard about it. now there’s a strike too. Oh S#ò#t!!!
Hope New Line could decide to make a ‘’Nightmare’’ too. and why not maybe the Weinstein Bros could decide to start with the ‘’hellraiser’’ remake too.
yes I wanna live in the 80s again.
Take care and thanks again
– Francesco

Clint : I think you’re the only person that is keen for that new “Friday the 13th” movie Francesco, but since you called me Super Clint and said something about 40 million dollars – are you wiring it over? – I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. I don’t think the “Hellraiser” remake is going to happen anytime soon, there’s been some trouble with that. As for a new “Elm Street” movie… I’m seriously dumbfounded why they haven’t done another one yet. It doesn’t make sense. There’s talk of a prequel, and one where Freddy and Jason take on Michael Myers, but that’s from the mouth of Robert Englund – a man who doesn’t eat unless he’s covered in fake burnt skin, so I wouldn’t take it too gravely. And yes, I wanna live in the 80s again too… just so I can bonk Kristy Swanson.

Clint, I’m going to have to pass on ‘’Resident Evil Extinction’’. Anything that Paul Anderson touches is turned to pure crap. I think he would be better writing those little words of wisdom on the side of Starbucks Coffee cups then write movie scripts. I hope he reads this….I really do. – Brian Russell

Clint : The only good thing Paul Anderson’s done is put this chick in tight shorts…

hi my name is jasmine i love real paranormal stories and i am so in to it and i use a ouija board but people say that the people thati am talking to trough the ouija are not spirits their demons but i was wondering if it is true and if you guys could tell me experiences in real life with a ouija board because i really dont know – Jasmine

Clint : Go summon up a proper question.

Can you provide any update to ‘’Dead Like Me’’? Is Mandy P to do a “post production” cameo as he walked off his current series.
When will the movie be released (will it be direct to DVD or on TV)?Inquiring minds want to know….
– Anonymous

Clint – I think it’s pretty definite that Mandy Patinkin won’t be doing the “Dead Like Me” movie. It’s direct-to-DVD.

thank you
loved your words..
love your web site.
thank you,
– Jonathan

Clint : For a minute there, I thought you’d written me a fuckin’ poem man. That would’ve been truly retarded. Ha.

hey clint i heard john schinder is going collier and hot pursuit 2 hope they with the 69 dodge charger any way let,s hope they a number 3 any way it kinda make reba the tv show in to big screen movie version of show that would be good holden – Holden

Clint :…. Speaking of which.

hey clint what mad max 4 road fury are we going to see that movie in 20010 i hope so max need,s to come back because that,s what make,s hero any way hope so from holden – Holden

Clint : 20010? My god. We’ll all be dead by then. Maybe not Mel Gibson. But we will be.

hey clint holden here are they going vanshing ponit 2 were viggo mortesn left were died in the car werck any way in the story his son take,s father,s place the cross road driver any way tell what you think of that holden – Holden

Clint : Stuntman Mike, is that you?

hey clint holden here any way is ethan hawk going be the next mad max any way that,s what i red on that page so is that true that he,s going to be the next mad max any way let me know okay talk latter from holden – Holden

Clint : Someone wanna explain this story to him?

Other than Indiana Jones this is my most anticipated 2008 movie…. here. All amazing actors…great director and scriptwriter…..Movieholer

Clint : Movieholer, did you by chance write, direct and act in it?

G’day Clint,Yo, why come no review of Rob Zombie’s ‘’Halloween’’? Dat bad, huh? Why come there r no hip hop stars from “down under?” Luv ya babe. – Greg

Clint – Yep, it’s so bad it ain’t even out of here yet. As for hip-hop stars… yeah, a guy named Bruce Samazan. Google him. He rocks.

hey clint holden here any way is ethan hawk going be the next mad max any way that,s what i red on that page so is that true that he,s going to be the next mad max any way let me know okay talk latter from holden – Holden

Clint : Please, someone?

I agree with the email that Rachel McAdams is wrong for Catwoman same way introducing the character in the Nolan franchise is so off. Talk about Me-Ouch when to me Catwoman is so curse and so dead. As a woman I cant connect with the character at all and no one has done a remarkable superheroine movie yet. I even think Wonder Woman is so dated. Lastly, recasting Legally Blonde is a bad move. I hate recasts in tv and movies. – Anya

Clint : I know what Rachel McAdams would be good for. Lets just say, we’d find out something about ‘Legally Blonde’ at the…. ok, don’t worry. Yep, recasting sucks – I think the only time it’s worked is with the Jack Ryan series (I think I like Alec Baldwin the best), the 007 series (I’m a Brosnan guy), or Batman (Liked them all, but Kilmer was cool). I really hated the recasting of Clarice Starling (Julianne Moore!) in “Hannibal”, Donna Haywood (Moira Kelly!) in “Twin Peaks : Fire Walk With Me”, and of course, Bridgette Wilson never got to wear those tight shorts again for the “Mortal Kombat” sequel. Sigh. I’m guessing the change of guard for “The Punisher” is gonna suck, too.

Do you think that Corey Haim is’nt doing ‘’Lost Boys 2’’ so he can concentrate on maybe a ‘’Prayer of the Rollerboys sequel’’. That be good? – Scott

Clint : No, I think Corey Haim isn’t doing “Lost Boys 2” because he can’t ‘concentrate’. Full stop. And apparently Patricia Arquette’s gunning to do the sequel all by herself, anyway.

You are a movie scoop deity among mortals, there now that I’ve got the butt-kissing out of the way, What is up with all these freaking ‘’Justice League’’ rumors? White Martians? OMACS? Darkseid? It’s animated? Its not? My head is swimming! Is there any reliable scoop out there on a movie I pray to heaven will actually be good? – Jeremy

Clint : And did you hear Tom Cruise as Superman? Nah, in all seriousness, it’s a live-action film – with CGI elements – and they’re casting as we speak. As for who they’re auditioning… I haven’t got the foggiest, all I know is, Kirby wants to wear the Wonder Bra.

X FILES 2, YAY OR NAY? Hi buddy, love the site. I’m not one to usually pester for answers, but I’ve had enough of reading forums and interviews regarding the LONG over due ‘’X files 2’’. The press has been all over this project the last few weeks, all summer long infact, it seems as ever week somebody involved with the production comes out and says “yep, its on its way”….but there has been nothing from FOX and that’s what worries me. Please, please, please could you find out any inside info on this baby, is it gonna happen and is it gonna happen soon as everyone claims? Thanks so much, keep up the great work. Ryan, Manchester, UK – Ryan

Clint : I believe it will happen – but not until Holden’s “Mad Max 4” comes out in 20010.

Hi is the movie “Detroit Rock City” set in October 1978? – Chris

Clint : Um, I can’t remember. Lets ask the film’s writer/director Adam Rifkin… “Hey man! Yes, Oct. 1978. Hope you’re great!”

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