
Moviehole Mailbag – 22/3/06

Cordelia….. is that you?

Hey there boys & girls, Adam Weeks back pulling open the strings on the Moviehole Mailbag while “Hollywood Movie Star” Clint Morris prepares for his date next week with Amanda Bynes – it takes him a while to get presentable. OK, before we get down to it, last week was my birthday, so that’s why no “Late Edition” – stop mailing me, it’ll be back on Friday. Speaking of birthdays, raise your glasses and give a cheer to long time Moviehole friend, and recent Academy Award winner, Reese Witherspoon, who celebrates hers today. OK, if you want to get your question up in lights, you can get a hold of the big cheese right here.

Q. Hello hello
Awesome site as always. Is there any word on “Inkheart”, the movie? I know Brendan Fraser is in it but that’s all I know.
– Nick
A. No, not a hell of a lot going on, other than Fraser signing up, and Iain Softley (“The Skeleton Key”) Directing. Apparently, other casting is taking place at the moment, with the bulk of the shooting taking place over the coming months.

Q. Hey my friend, how are you?. Is there any news on another “Friday” movie?, also is there any hope of a “Goonies 2”?.
thanks a lot
– Darren
A. OK, as far as “Friday” goes, that’s about 3 franchises ago for Ice Cube, so I’m pretty sure that “After Next” was the last one you’re likely to see. “Goonies 2” on the other hand, got as close to happening as it likely ever will last year in my opinion. Richard Donner was ready to get moving, the cast looked to be set, but the studio balked at the idea. A lot of people forget that “Goonies” wasn’t exactly a smash hit at the box office, and even DVD sales haven’t set the world on fire, so there ya go.

Q. Any idea where that “Batman Vs. Superman” script is posted? All I could find were script reviews.
Many thanks
– Will
A. I used to have a hardcopy of the Andrew Kevin Walker script a while ago (really looking forward to reading “Pan” by the way), but cannot find it now…. My feeling is that it will be really hard to find it anywhere on the net, because there may always be a chance of it hitting the big screen one day, especially if “Superman Returns” is successful.

Q. Hey Clint
Don’t know if you’ve checked out the website Has some of the nudey scenes from the film.
Also, it “appears” Corey Haim or someone pretending to be him started an official website, took money from fans for a future chat, and has now done a runner! Here’s a link for some fans talking about it.
And what’s up with all the poms in these Batman films!
Hasta luego
– Scottzenegger
A. Jeez, well I have now – dang! Yeah, I’m pretty sure that the Corey Haim didn’t have anything to do with that – I love “The Lost Boys” & “License To Drive”, but anyone who actually pays out cash to chat with him online has gotta see it coming. Speaking of seeing it coming, a few of you may remember a few years ago that a “convention organiser” managed to rip off thousands of “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” fans around the country to the tune of a couple of hundred dollars each. Turns out that the fella may have since been tracked down, so I’ll keep you all up to date with that…. As for Pom’s, watch who you’re talking to boy-o.

Q. Hi, good articles today.
I was wondering where I can find Batman vs Superman script? –
A. What, did you get here late?

Q. Will they make DBZ into a live action movie? – Jonathon
A. Yes. No. Maybe. Pick one.

Q. Now that “Everwood” may be cancelled next season is there any talk regarding the DVD’s, I sure hope they come out with the DVD’s, where is season 2? – Brian
A. No, no major discussion about the DVD’s right now. Season 1 is out in the US, but no news on the second season. I think that if the official cancellation notice does happen, they’ll probably put a rush on them.

Q. Hi, what’s the next most likely (non-sequel) movie from Marvel? – Andy
A. You know what I’d like to see is “Kraven’s Last Hunt” from the Spider-Man comics, but it looks like the next fresh Marvel film will be “Captain America”.

Q. Hi, I was just wondering if you knew whether or not Everwood is going to be released on dvd in Australia?
Also, if Season’s 2-4 of Felicity are going to be released on dvd in
– Cameron
A. The boss says that there aren’t any releases scheduled at the current time. “Felicity” was a great show and I really do mean that, but I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting to see this any time soon. I heard that Fox approached a couple of retailers here about exclusive rights to “Felicity” DVD’s a year or so ago, but no-one snapped them up.

Q. Over at Jon Favreau’s MYSPACE site he says he has an upcoming film that’s going to make some waves real soon. All he would say is that it’s a MARVELous project. Ant-Man? Iron-Man? Have you heard anything?
Also Zak Penn at the XVERSE said he has a new Marvel project coming together possibly as soon as this week. Any scoops on this???
– Blades_Shades
A. Alright, let’s assume that Jon saying marvellous as “marvelous” is something more than a spelling mistake, and let’s suggest that it is the man himself posting. With that in mind, lets go back a couple of questions ago, and talk about “Captain America”. We know that it has been commissioned by Paramount (David Self is scripting it), and that Favreau was / is working on “John Carter Of Mars” for them, so it looks like a logical move. That’s my pick anyway.

Q. I was just wondering if there was any news on one of favourite horror
franchises? The production of Halloween 9 has slowed down considerably and looks as if it may not come out all. I hope not!
Also, what’s the deal with this Star Wars TV Series?! Have you guys heard anything else about it recently?
– Sam
A. “Halloween 9” is undergoing some serious retooling at the moment, but from what I’ve been told, the current script for it is fantastic, and some of the credit for that may be to someone we all know……. The boss dropped me a line the other night saying that the new “Star Wars” series will apparently revolve around the first 20 years of Luke Skywalker’s life, which sounds really friggin’ boring to me, but I’m sure there’ll be plenty of Empire vs. Rebellion action in it as well.

Q. Clint,
This woman can act. The thing is, I don’t think anybody else has the perfect ass that she has for this outfit. Your site is the “HEAT” man, keep up the good work.
Clan of the Clint member,
– Todd Smith
A. That just got me a little bit closer to sold – or was it closer to something else?

The Young Wolverine Chronicles?

Schwarzenegger back for Terminator 4