
Moviehole Mailbag – 6/7/07

Your pressing questions answered!

Your pressing questions answered by Clint Morris

Hey guys, I heard a while back that Paramount was finally moving forward to the sequel “Forrest Gump”, “Gump and Co”., and since that announcement, I haven’t heard anything about it. What’s going on with the picture? And is Tom Hanks going to come back as Forrest? – Patrick

Clint: I’ve heard the same rumours. Apparently there is interest in reviving Forrest – but as of today there are no deals on the table for anyone though, so until that happens it ain’t a reality. For those not in the know, Winston Groom, the writer of “Forrest Gump”, wrote a second book. Its set several years after the events of Forrest Gump, Forrest’s shrimping business has gone bust. Jenny has died, leaving Forrest to provide for Forrest, Jr., his intelligent, though emotionally distant, son. Forrest’s mother has also died. Jenny occasionally makes an appearance as a sort of guardian angel for Forrest and their son.The book was never made into a movie, due to Groom’s feud with Paramount Pictures over payments for the first movie, but rumours persist that a deal might have been reached.

How are You? – Rahul

Clint : Horny. Hungry. Hormonal. And Cold.

Just finished watching the “Transformers” movie and I rather enjoyed it.
What’s up with Hugo Weaving replacing Frank Welker as Megatron’s voice ? Did Bay want a more dramatic voice actor and was Frank sounding a bit old ? He got the part for the video game but not the movie ?
Also, can you see them killing off Optimus Prime like they did back in the 80s animated movie after the fight with Megatron ?
A generation of kids from the 80s would have to relive that sore spot they all had and some still have.
– Trevor

Clint : I think it’s way too early to be talking about what could happen in the sequels – whether that’s killing off Optimus Prime or someone else – because they’re not written. Michael Bay tells Entertainment Weekly that it’s merely in the idea stage. “I’ve got a lot of ideas for the next one. There’s a lot of really cool, big robot stuff that I had in my head that we didn’t do. I just want to see how this works. You might not grow as much as a director [to do a sequel]. But it’s kind of like you have your baby and you don’t want someone else to take it.”
As for why Weaving replaced Welker as Megatron – it came down to Bay believing that Welker’s voice had aged too much.. or something. Shia LeBeouf told, “Welker is older, much older than Cullen and his voice has changed. I’ve heard him in sessions. He’d be great as another robot but to play Megatron you need somebody powerful and Hugo Weaving is powerful.”

They better get it right on “Anne of Green Gables” because I love that TV series and the book. Megan Follows was perfect as Anne Shirley.
Hollywood rarely gets it right because look at what they’ve done to Nancy Drew with the writing and casting of Roberts niece. Talk about nepotism with Warner and her dad is working with another Warner project “The Dark Knight”.
– Bingo

Clint : Um, I don’t quite agree with you there – I think Eric Roberts has about as much pull as an armless masturbator. There’s no way his ‘star power’ could’ve convinced Warner Bros to take a chance on his daughter, Emma, for “Nancy Drew”. The girl obviously won the producers over. Simple as that. I agree with you on “Green Gables” though – and you’ll be glad to know Lindsay Lohan’s already in the race.

I hope Katie Holmes gets the role for “Nine”. It will be great to see more of her on the bigscreen because she’s a beauty and so talented. It sucks that she’s not in Batman. I can’t see Bruce Wayne with Gyllenhaal at all. – Margaret

Clint : Eww, really, Jake Gyllenhaal’s going out with Batman? Which one? Keaton? Kilmer? Man, that’s just wrong.

Again I’m annoyed with Hollywood writers who do not have a freaking clue what people want. I saw your article about Aliens Vs Predator 2 and how it’s STILL…yes still going to take place on earth. Why the hell do they insist on pitting these aliens against each other on our freaking planet? We want outer space!!! I would even settle for a space station or some shit. Anything but earth. The first AvP movie sucked ass in my opinion…why? Because it was on EARTH and the story sucked ass. So why do they insist making suck ass movies that have no purpose and are not that entertaining. Damn how I wish James Cameron would come back and take the helm to one of these projects. He would set the shit straight getting rid of these untalented, no imagination, writers. Thanks for listening to me bitch. – Brian

Clint : James Cameron would never return to the series – not now that its been tainted by the likes of the last few “Aliens” movies and the god-awful “AvP” movie…It’d be like returning to your fuck buddy after she’s caught Chlamydia and had her public hair singed by lighter fluid. Just not that appealing.

Clint, read your article about “Saw 4”. What in the hell are they thinking man?!? Can’t they give it up already? How many more freakin stupid puzzles do we have to endure? How many times do we have to see the stupid dummy on a TV screen? From reading your article it’s probably his wife running around picking up where he leaves off. There is no more shock and awe to this franchise. I think it’s time to bury it with Jigsaw and his freaky helper. – Brian

Clint : You’re telling me. I’d rather scoop up the grot behind my oven before sitting through “Saw 3” again. At least there’s still good horror movies out there like, um, well, “The Covenant”, “Hostel Part 2” and “The Reaping”, hey?

I’ve heard about a “So Weird” movie based on the series have you heard anything about this? – Robert

Clint – As far as I’m concerned most movies bankrolled these days are ‘So Weird’.

When are you going to get the mailbag up? – Sam

Clint : I’m glad you put ‘the mailbag’ in that sentence… I might have taken that the wrong way.

This is how I felt about TRANSFORMERS (especially now having slept and actually thought of what I saw lastnight)!
It was fun, but man did it have its problems and it WILL NOT HOLD UP OVER TIME or on MULTIPLE VIEWINGS!
This is a movie being torn in two directions…one is the MICHAEL BAY MOVIE! The other is the TRANSFORMER movie directed by STEVEN SPEILBERG! The Michael Bay movie unfortunetly wins over what Spielberg would have made! Oh dear god I wish Spielberg or Cameron (my two favorite film gods) directed this movie!
Had Bay focused on the ” a boy falls in love with this car and it happens to be a robot and a BIGGER story unfolds” it could have been AMAZING! The way the film is now you just have to see it over the 4th of July weekend because it is ment for a BIG SCREEN…BUT once this hits dvd…you can pick it apart for the entertaining mess it is…this is up there will GODZILLA, INDEPENDENCE DAY and ARMAGEDDON…but like the boy said it TRANSFORMERS “this is much cooler than ARMAGEDDON!
– AB King

Clint : And AB, imagine how much cooler it would’ve been if there was a transformer that turned into Sly Stallone circa 1985? Maybe he could start out as a suitcase of steroids or something and then WHAMMO…. “Yo Adrian!”.

A couple years back there was word of a “Butterfly Effect” TV series, but I haven’t heard anything since. Do you know what the status of this project is? – Josh

Clint : I’d say it’s dead. The butterfly franchise has probably had its wings cropped.

Hello Clint, Love the site “Very Nice”. I wanted to know if you have any word on the “Freddy Jason” movie? Will this ever happen? Do we have to give it another ten years?
Also can you please pass a message along for me?
I read your mailbag ever week and I see one similarity, (Holden)
This person writes ten pages of shit ever week, it gets old.
Can you please ask them to get a life?
Thank You.
– James

Clint : Holden does have a life – it just revolves around “Dukes of Hazzard” re-runs. As for a “Freddy vs Jason 2”… I don’t think there’s anything in development, and that honestly surprises me. I think it’d do well. I thought the first one was pretty damn entertaining – granted, my eyes were fixated on Monica Keena’s bust for most of the movie, but I enjoyed it.

Hey Clint,
Read the little brief snippet with Brandon Routh and I’m glad you agree “Superman Returns” was a good flick. My only concern with a Justice League movie would be Superman/Batman and everybody else scenario like we had with the X-men movies with Storm and Wolverine in X3. Also how will Nolan’s gritty realistic version of Batman mix with a story that would have to have sci-fi and fantasy elements to work. Anyway love the mailbag and is where I go first for all for all my scoop of things on the silver screen and I hope to the heavens if this thing gets made it’s actually good with a good villain. I’m thinking Darkseid and how about Kristen Bell as Black Canary? Oops sorry Holden moment there. Later Clint,
– Jeremy

Clint : I’m sure the writers have kept your concerns in mind when penning the story. If there’s one thing that Warner do right it’s their comic book movies. They don’t do many of them, but when they do, they’re good. As for your casting ideas, good one… though I’d watch Kristen Bell through a long-range telescope if I had to. Now excuse me whilst I wash the lens on this thing…

Where’s Clint been? Is he busy or something? I love his Mailbag replies! Nothing like hearing him telling someone to get rooted or worse
– Ben

Clint : I’ve been busy, so fuck off.

Lovin’ your “Caffeinated Clint” columns… you’d have to be one of the funnest and most entertaining online writers on the web at the moment. Keep up the great work. You’re a superstar!
– Sally

Clint – Thanks. And you should see the size of…. [edited my co-editor]

Hey guys,
Love Moviehole. Read it every day. Clint, you’re doing a western right? That’s so cool. I love them. We need more of them
– Bob

Clint– Yeah it’s a spin-off of “Young Guns” with Casey Siemasko reprising his role as Charlie, only now he’s a ghost, and haunts Billy the Kid by night by reciting lines from “Another Stakeout”.

What’s shakin’?
– Will

Clint – From what I hear, John Stamos. Someone just stole his ‘goodie bag’ from Australia and he ain’t coping well.


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