
New Spider-Man skips origin story, remains Parker

Speaking at the press junket for “Avengers : Age of Ultron”, Marvel Studios prez Kevin Feige offered reporters a couple of steamy nuggets in relation to the upcoming reboot (yes, in case you’ve been off the grid for a couple of months, they’re rebooting it again – madness, right?!). Firstly, despite the rumours the studio might decide to mix it up this time and have one of the other incarnations of the character make his screen debut, Feige says they’re sticking with Peter Parker. Secondly, and more fortunately, we won’t have to sit through his origin story again.

“In Spider-Man’s very specific case, where there have been two retellings of that origin in the last whatever it’s been – [thirteen] years – for us we are going to take it for granted that people know that, and the specifics,” Crave Online . “It will not be an origin story. But, with great power comes great responsibility. It is inherent to who his character is. But we want to reveal it in different ways and spend much more time focusing on this young high school kid in the MCU dealing with his powers.”

The new Peter Parker/Spider-Man will first pop up in “Captain America : Civil War”, and he’ll already be an active crime-fighter.

“There is a young kid [already] running around New York City in a homemade version of the Spider-Man costume in the MCU, you just don’t know it yet,” Feige laughed.

In addition to wanting the new Parker to be funnier, Feige has made sure to give him a new look than previous Spideys.

“I was more involved in the Raimi ones, and think they did a very good job. But that being said, we’ve already designed the costume, which is different than any of the ones that have come before. And yet ours is classic Spidey, as I think you’ll see.”


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