
Pan postponed

Joe Wright’s “Pan” has been pushed from July 24 to October 9, Warner Bros confirmed toda

According to the studio, they wanted the Lost Boys to escape being trampled on by Terminators, Avengers, and Tomorrowlands.

U.S. distribution head Dan Fellman says: “We wanted to give Pan the space to extend its theatrical run, so taking it out of the cluttered summer season made the most sense. Moving the film to the heart of the fall will allow us more time to screen the picture, enabling us to capitalize on what we anticipate will be strong word of mouth.”

Funnily enough, Wright says the film’s delay comes down to unfinished visual effects.

“As you might expect, the fantastical story of Peter Pan involves very complex effects and I did not want to compromise on quality in finishing the film. This allows me and my team the time to complete the movie and tell the story the way it should be told.”

I say, hmmm….

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