
Queen and Shoot ‘Em Up sequels greenlit?

Michael Sheen to reprise role as Blair in the former

Two more sequels are about to churn out of the sausage machine. Thankfully, they’re likely to be good ones.

Firstly, Variety has announced that Peter Morgan has started work on a sequel to ‘’The Queen’’, which will dig into former U.K. prime minister Tony Blair’s relationships with U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

The movie will focus on Blair’s reaction to the handover of power between Clinton, a natural liberal ally, and Bush, who came from the other end of the political spectrum.

“Peter sees this as a pivotal moment when the special relationship between Britain and America changed,” says producer Andy Harries.

This project will be the third film in Morgan’s Blair trilogy, which began with the Channel 4 telepic The Deal and continued with The Queen. Michael Sheen is expected to reprise his role as Blair.

“Peter always hoped to do a trilogy to mark the Blair years that we’ve all lived through, but it’s been difficult to find the right point at which to look at Blair in power,” Harries says.

And even better, a “Shoot ‘Em Up” sequel has got the greenlight.

FirstShowing.Net reports that “Our scooper has close ties with the studio and reported to us that the script was turned in and approved and “it is in pre-production and the leading actors have signed on for the second film.” There was no confirmation on a release date, but it looks like it was going for a pre-strike shoot and in-line for release next year. Is New Line trying to start a Saw year-to-year franchise? If there is one movie that could do it, it would be Shoot ‘Em Up!”.

Haven’t seen it, so I don’t know about that, but one thing’s for sure… it’s bound to be better than “Mannequin 2 : On the Move”, right?


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