
Sam Raimi talks Spider-Man 3 villains

Sam Raimi told Moviehole’s L.A Correspondent Paul Fischer that "Spider-Man 3" will be his last entry in the series.

"I can’t imagine that I’d have the strength to direct another one after the third one", tells Raimi.

Raimi says he’s definitely doing "Spider-Man 3" though, because he’s just as interested in finding out what happens to Peter Parker as everyone else. Says Raimi, "I just really want to take Peter Parker to the next step in his journey. I’m very curious about it myself. What will happen? I have some things that might happen. And I really think that I know the character very well."

And so who can we expect as the villains in the next one?

Man-Wolf? "I don’t want to say because I don’t know yet", Raimi says.

What about Dr.Strange? "Right now, actually, he’s not planned to come back for the sequel".

What about a different version of a villain we’ve already seen? "This will not be your grandfather’s Green Goblin. This will be a brand new creation".

The third "Spider-Man" will be released three years from now.

The full interview with Sam Raimi will be up later this week.

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