
Second course at White Castle?

Kal Penn has an update on the sequel

Sounds like Harold and Kumar might be smoking some hoobie-joobies in Amsterdam before ’06 is out.

Talking to MTV, “Harold and Kumar go to White Castle” star Kal Penn says discussions are definitely underway about doing a sequel.

“I wish it were happening [now], because I can’t wait to do sequels.” Titled “Harold & Kumar Go to Amsterdam,” the film was set into motion last week by the filmmakers who own the rights to the franchise. “There’s an option contract, where they have to make it within a certain number of years, three or four, and it’s gonna run out within the next couple months,” Penn said.

Penn says a third film might also be in the cards.

“Whether or not [sequels] get done is based on how the movies do in theaters and on DVD,” he explained. “I heard they were thinking about Vegas. John [Cho, who plays Harold] and I are both, obviously, committed to doing at least two more, but whether or not they happen is not up to us.”

Want some sauce with your ChiPs?

Interview : Allen Covert