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Set Visit : My Wife and Kids

The first thing I notice when I stroll onto the Disney lot in Burbank is that it’s rather quiet. Seems it’s off-season there at the Mouse Factory.

While shows like “8 Simple Rules” (caught up with the wonderful James Garner there – basking in the sun between scenes) are still rolling, and Disney animation is as busy as ever – there’s more hammering, welding and prepping more than anything else. After all, it’s holiday time for hit series’ like “Alias”, which doesn’t return to air until January, so it’s all about backdrop not beauty at the moment.

One show that is still putting mag to lens though is hit sitcom “My Wife and Kids”, and that’s what takes us to the House of Mouse today.

We enter the Damon Wayans starring sitcom – not a huge fan myself, not that it’s not good, it is what it is, it’s just that I don’t seem to have as much time for the 22-minuter as I use to – from the back, where they’re smack-bang in the middle of filming a scene that’s seemingly set a few years back, with Wayans portraying his character as a younger man.

It’s a dance-off. A group of wannabe gangster-juniors enter the stage from far left, proceed to the middle of the dance floor and then show the room what they’re made of. Then – after a couple of takes – Wayans and his clan do their little rap, rhyme and rabid-movement. Quite funny. (Obviously the studio audience thought it ‘much, much’ funnier). Wayans is quite the rhymer, there’s an untapped talent there.

Whilst on the subject of sitcoms, a week or so ago I reported from the Warner quarters that Jennifer Aniston was spotted near the “Joey” stage. Her reps say she isn’t doing an appearance – yet, but we’ll see. adding more fuel to the rumour : Aniston and Matt LeBlanc have been spotted reading a script together.

One “Friends” reunion (of sorts) that is definitely going to happen is an Aniston-Courtney Cox reteam. Aniston’s looking for a project for her and her former onscreen bud to do together, and word is it may be a comedy in which they’ll play…enemies.

Just what is Bewitched actually about?

Biker-boy playing a young Al Pacino