
Sharon Stone’s Attachment means Greenlight for Tony Kaye project

Has she still got it… or hasn’t she?

That’s the question the docs are trying to figure out.

But onto filmish news, Sharon Stone’s following up her ‘mother of a porn star’ role in “Lovelace” with the new thriller “Attachment”. Tony Kaye, the guy locked out of the editing room by Edward Norton when the two were shooting “American History X” all those years ago, is helming.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say Kaye’s in for a helluva time on this movie.

The original ‘Lori’ plays a married woman who has a one-night stand with a college student who stalks her and her family. As they do. Ask Claudia Karvan and Alex Dimiatrides.

W2 (the cats responsible for those Tom Green “Shred” movies) is fully financing the project and will introduce the project to buyers at the EFM next week.

Michael B.Jordan

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