
Sheen return to the Major League; Two-and-a-Half Men deal done

Not surprisingly, considering the plump size bag of cash they were waving in front of his red and enlarged pupils, Charlie Sheen has opted to stay on with CBS’ “Two And a Half Men”.

Sheen issued this statement, currently playing on loop at THR : “To put a fitting end on the two and one-half months of whirlwind speculation, I’m looking forward to returning to my CBS home on Monday nights. I want to thank (CBS Corp. president and CEO) Les Moonves for his support.”

It’s not known how much Sheen (who also appears, albeit briefly, in Oliver Stone’s upcoming sequel to “Wall Street”) will be paid per episode but it’s likely close to the $2 million per episode he held out for. Nice work if you can get it.

Is Law & Order headed for TNT, Or the scrap heap?
